Discover Our Journey

Our Story

At Prosperity Architects Alliance, we have a unique story that drives our mission. From humble beginnings to a collective vision, our journey is one of passion, resilience, and unwavering commitment to empowering individuals and businesses to achieve financial prosperity.

Meet Our Visionaries

Livia Sailor

The Founder & Planner

Livia is our head wedding coordinator and stylist, she'll turn any of your ideas into reality, making sure your wedding day is smooth and looks better than anything you have ever seen on Pinterest.

Clair Stark

The Designer

As a passionate wedding designer with a romantic soul, Clair adores celebrating the special moments in life in magical places and creating an authentic experience for couples.

Our Purpose

The heart of our alliance is rooted in a clear purpose: to revolutionize the way people approach prosperity and wealth creation. We believe that true prosperity encompasses more than just financial gain—it encompasses personal growth, holistic well-being, and the power to make a positive impact in the world.

Our Mission

At the Prosperity Architects Alliance, our mission is to provide a transformative platform that equips individuals with the tools, resources, and support they need to build a prosperous future. We are committed to fostering a mindset of abundance, delivering exceptional education, and fostering a vibrant community where collaboration and growth thrive.

Our Approach

Through our unique approach, we blend cutting-edge strategies, timeless wisdom, and innovative technologies to empower our members on their journey toward financial freedom. 

We combine the art and science of prosperity, offering actionable insights, personalized guidance, and a supportive environment that ensures lasting success.

Our Values


Our values serve as the guiding principles that shape everything we do. Integrity, empowerment, collaboration, and continuous growth are at the core of our alliance. 

We are passionate about creating a culture where individuals can thrive, dreams can become reality, and shared success is celebrated.